Saturday, 26 April 2014

Sharing session with Year 6 parents

26/4/14 The headmistress and Year 6 teachers today got to meet up with Year 6 parents regarding the PSR Trial 1 results. The session took place at the Multi purpose hall.
The headmistress, Cikgu Hjh Nurul Inani, gave the opening speech and welcome all the parents. She also expressed her gratitude to the parents for making time to hear out their childrens' performance in the PSR Trial 1. 

Cikgu Norzah, a Bahasa Melayu teacher shared the exam paper format and results of BM and MIB.

Cikgu Hjh Zuriah was in charged in sharing the English Language results.

Cikgu Ong was sharing his part on Science.

Mathematics results were presented by Cikgu Norazlina and Cikgu Aminah.

The session lasted in about 2 hours. Parents were given an opportunity to ask any enquiries regarding their childrens' performance and achievement. All the teachers and the headmistress were hoping that parents would pay more attention to their childrens' learning at home in order to ensure they perform better in the next PSR Trials as well as in the actual PSR. Aamiin.. 


Zone Tutong II Primary Schools Inter Netball Tournament

On the 16th April 2014, the ECA Department had organized Inter Schools Netball Tournament. This year, SR Rambai hosted the tournament which took place at Tutong Sports Complex. A total of 11 schools participated in the tournament and SRPKBBII was drawn in Group A, alongside SR Bukit Udal, SR PKNBB, SR Tumpuan Telisai, SR Penapar and SR Panchong.
Our school netball team was represented by Amni, Nor Syamieza Asyiqin, Nurul Afiqah, Nurul Hidayatul, Nursyahirah, Nursyazwani, Norhamizah, Norhaziqah, Nuramanina and Fatin. 

Our team managed to win 3 games against SR PKN BB, SRTT and SR Penapar and we were defeated by SR Panchong and SR Bukit Udal. However, our team was in the third place in Group A with 9 points. 
This is the results of all the matches. This year had shown a good improvement. Thanks to all teachers and staffs in helping out with their trainings. Lets hope for a better place in the years ahead. 

Maju Sukan Untuk Negara! 


Friday, 25 April 2014

SR Perpindahan Kampong Bukit Beruang II Takraw Champion

Our school emerged as champions of the Sepak Takraw Tournament for Zone Tutong 2 Primary Schools after we defeated SR Pachong in the final held at the Sports Complex in Tutong. 

The guest-of-honour who presented the prizes to winners was Hj Umar Ali bin Hj Ismail, Zone Tutong senior education officer.

Congratulations Boys~ We are proud of you all
Kudos to our coach, headmistress,teachers and parents for all your effort and endless support 

Treats for the boys from Cikgu Siring Yandol on 23 April 2014 (Wednesday):

"We are so lucky~!"

Smile ice cream.. 1 2 3! 


Thursday, 24 April 2014

Tutong Library's Open Day in conjunction of World Book Day 2014

One teacher and one assistant librarian from our school are bringing 14 students to the 'Library Open Day' in conjunction of the World Book Day 2014 which was held in Tutong Library yesterday. 

Three of our students received their trophy as they were annouced as winners in a colouring contest.

 Left to right: Syasya Fatini, Faiz Erzam & Nurinsyirah


Weekly Religious Activity

This week all of us recite the Tahlil lead by Ustaz Shahron bin Naim, our head religious teacher.


Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Week 16 Staffs' Contact Time

Photos of us during the meeting session yesterday. 
Thank you for your input teachers!


Prize Presentation for the Special Education Students

Six students under the Remedial Education Program (REP) received their quiz prize in conjunction with their recent Educational Visit to the Biodivesity Marin Centre, Jalan Pantai Meragang. 

The prize was delivered by Cikgu Hjh Nurul Inani binti Hj Ahamd Kumpoh, the school head mistress during the morning assembly held yesterday.

Winner: Akmal Rafaie Year 1

Winner: Ak khairul Year 4

Winner: Radyamirul Year 5

Winner: Nur Amalina Year 5

Pupils are reading the SENA's Notice board 


Sunday, 20 April 2014

Students' Participation in Colouring Contest for the 'World Book Day 2014'

Pre schoolers and students from Year 1 to Year 5 had participated in the colouring contest in conjunction of the 'World Book Day' which will be celebrated on April 23. The activity was held in the Multipurpose Hall yesterday.

Pupils are given opportunity to show their talent in colouring

Teachers monitor students' progress

It's fun to colour with friends

Creativity is needed when you're colouring!


Tuesday, 15 April 2014

SRPKBB II received a working visit from the Department of Schools

More than 30 officers from the Department of Schools (Primary Section) made a working visit to our school.  A short briefing was delivered by Cikgu Hajah Nurul Inani binti Haji Ahmad Kumpoh, the School Head-Mistress and Cikgu Hajah Mariani binti Haji Mohammad, Head of Academic Department. 

Visitors are also being briefed on the 1:1 CiMS Project 

  A closer view on the 1:1 CiMS Project that was carried out in Pra and Year 1 

Usage of mini iPad in the Special Education classroom


Three School Activities at Once!

             Activity 1: Netball practice after the morning assembly

Teachers (and Staff) VS Students!

Our head religious teacher, Ustaz Shahrun is wearing the WD bib

Cikgu Azim is showing off his skill as the WA!

            Activity 2:  Ritual Washing in the Affected Classrooms 

               Reason? An uninvited stray dog was staining few classes 
                            with its urine. Thus teachers, staffs and students 
                            have to clean 7 times one of which with soil. 

             Activity 3:  School Head Mistress's Appreciation Brunch 
                              to all Teachers, Staffs and Students who got 
                              2nd Runner-Up in the Final Badminton Tournament

 "Kudos to all for endless effort for this week", said GB